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About Me


Hello, my dears!


I am Jill Constantino, a writer, a flower farmer, an anthropologist, a teacher, a mother. My family and I live on a small farm outside of a small town. We moved away from big jobs toward dreams that are as inspiring as they are elusive. We seek full lives with peaceful perfection, poetic love, and ferocious world-bettering engagement. But hawks eat chickens, plants smother plants, love becomes distracted and confused, and children grow up and away. I reluctantly embrace the sadness as I somewhat desperately hold onto the joy. 


I fret about time, the passage of which I know I am failing to fully appreciate, and the abrupt cruelty of mortality, the end of that time which will come faster than I can possibly imagine. Yet, I have so many stories of beautiful beings--botanical, animal, human, creatures that have become mine. I have cradled them protectively in my head for a while and now, I release them to you, in hopes that they carry us into the future.


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