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     Iris Open House and Sale

Come to our Iris Open House and Plant Sale! 6516 Roy Shafer Road, MiddIetown, MD. I'll be out in the yard from 9am-5pm, beginning Saturday, May 11th through Sunday, May 19th. (The farm will be closed Monday, May 13th because I have kids home from college and I must hang out with them!)


If you see a flower that your yard might like, I'll dig up the rhizome, teach you how to care for it, and wrap it up for you to take home. Each plant is 15 dollars. Hopefully, it will grow and multiply and reappear regularly to remind you that we really do transcend time, even as seasons and creatures insist on beginning and ending. The plants are really hard to kill, but don't worry, I'll get you a new one if it doesn't work. 

Or, just hang out and think. Or don't think! Paint something, write a poem, chat, listen to the birds. Bring your high school senior with their cap and gown or your cute kid. Take pictures! They grow like plants so capture the moments. There are so many moments I have for you in my fields. Looking forward to sharing them! 

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